Lights! Camera! Privacy! wuuuut

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privacy-movie-cutWhat?? Movies about privacy? I mean, cutting edge, action-packed, thriller movies about privacy! Not since the Alfred Hitchcock horror classic Psycho where the poor girl’s privacy was blown to bits (or stabbed to bits) has privacy been so prevalent in movies. (and anyone who doesn’t think killing a naked woman in the shower for entertainment purposes is about privacy .. . define “naked”)

Jason Bourne. Silicon Valley, megabillions, internet start-up conspired with the CIA to build in back doors in exchange for funding and then only tried to stand up for privacy once the start-up Deep Dream made all their money. I make no judgments about their lack of reality with technology, just that to the masses, when the CEO tells the CIA director played by the amazing Tommy Lee Jones, “Privacy – you should be protecting it!” (or something like that, I was writing on a napkin in the dark, people) – it was stellar!

There was a party in my privacy geek genes.

And then! Then it really went crazy when I saw Now You See Me 2. First, I love this movie. Movies that keep me guessing…don’t happen often. This one did. LOVED IT. Not to mention the amazing cast of characters. plus magic. equaled MAGIC!! And again, about privacy. The wizard, no wait, magician – no, he wasn’t a magician, he was a paranoid spoiled illegitimately-claimed illegitimate son of a millionaire who wanted to steal a chip that provided back doors into everyone’s life. He wanted to be private. And he claimed that you cannot reform the system from within it (which has major philosophical implications for a later discussion).

But wheeeeee – the privacy geek genes are still partying!




Live. Love. Laugh. Listen. RN turned attorney. Nothing I write or say should be taken as legal advice. I do not take clients. I also don't give enemas - so don't look to me for nursing care, either. Self-licensed to use sarcasm, always carrying, rarely concealed.

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